• Nanoteam VSB-TU Ostrava

    Nanoteam VSB-TU Ostrava
  • Cooperation



1. Workshop “Co můžu nabídnout”

1. Workshop “Co můžu nabídnout”

2. – 4. února 2012 byl pořádán 1. Workshop s tématickým názvem “Co můžu nabídnout” s účastí mezinárodních vědeckých kapacit na poli vědy v oblasti nanotechnologií a nekonvenčního tvá... »


  • Projekt VaV “Pre-seed -Materiály IA3”
    Řešitelé, kteří se zúčastnili projektu ESF VaV “Nanotým VŠB – TU Ostrava” úspěšně dokončili koncem roku 2015 navázující projekt VaV “Pre-seed -Materiály IA3” s názvem Technologie výroby pásu plechu s ultra jemnozrnnou strukturou. Byly vyprojektovány a vyrobeny tvářecí nástroje s novou geometrií, které výz…[Read more]

  • There will be two Conferences in which group from IMIMPAS will be attended and some topics will be concern UFG functional materials. First is XXI Advanced Materials and Technollogy, the biggest international Conference organised in Poland from several years focused on new materials and technology. Our group will be present with several works…[Read more]

  • As the effect of Nanoteam Project I applied for a Polish Project OPUS where other Nanoteam members took part, among others prof. Wojciech Maziarz from IMIM PAN, prof. T. Tanski from Silesian Technical University in Gliwice, prof. Stanislav Rusz from VSB Ostrava. The Project nr 2014/15/B/ST8/03184 was granted in 2015 and it lies in the scientific…[Read more]

  • In the days 08th 09th-12th 09th 2015, I attended an international scientific conference
    IN-TECH2015 in Dubrovnik.The goal of my participation was the presentation of project results achieved so far wider international scientific community. A poster and also their own presentations were presented results of experiments on low-carbon steels and…[Read more]

  • In Jun My PhD student won a Visegrad Scholarships concerning the field of UFG together with the University of Ostrava.

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This project is financed by the European Social Fund and state budget of the Czech Republic.