Jan Dutkiewicz

  • Jan Dutkiewicz posted a new activity comment 6 years, 8 months ago

    Within the project OPUS granted by National Center of Science in Poland under numer No. 2014/15/B/ST8/03184 (where scientist from VSB Ostrava, IMIM Kraków and Technical University in Glivice woorking together in Nanoteam ) reported the paper entitled SUPERPLASTIC DEFORMATION OF TWO PHASE MgLiAl ALLOYAFTER TCAP PRESSING by Jan DUTKIEWICZ, St…[Read more]

  • As the effect of Nanoteam Project I applied for a Polish Project OPUS where other Nanoteam members took part, among others prof. Wojciech Maziarz from IMIM PAN, prof. T. Tanski from Silesian Technical University in Gliwice, prof. Stanislav Rusz from VSB Ostrava. The Project nr 2014/15/B/ST8/03184 was granted in 2015 and it lies in the scientific…[Read more]

  • Jan Dutkiewicz became a registered member 9 years ago

    • Within the project OPUS granted by National Center of Science in Poland under numer No. 2014/15/B/ST8/03184 (where scientist from VSB Ostrava, IMIM Kraków and Technical University in Glivice woorking together in Nanoteam ) reported the paper entitled SUPERPLASTIC DEFORMATION OF TWO PHASE MgLiAl ALLOYAFTER TCAP PRESSING by Jan DUTKIEWICZ, St…[Read more]