
  • Jan Dutkiewicz posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    As the effect of Nanoteam Project I applied for a Polish Project OPUS where other Nanoteam members took part, among others prof. Wojciech Maziarz from IMIM PAN, prof. T. Tanski from Silesian Technical University in Gliwice, prof. Stanislav Rusz from VSB Ostrava. The Project nr 2014/15/B/ST8/03184 was granted in 2015 and it lies in the scientific interest of the Nanoteam Project since it is on nanocrystallization of MgLi base alloys using various methods. Among others prof. Rusz studies ECAP deformation using equipment constructed in Ostrava and prof. Tanski severe plastic deformation using Gleeble equipment. The project will last 3 years.