
  • Significant success of the scientific team of prof. Stanislav Rusz
    from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Technology
    Professor Stanislav Rusz with his scientific team:
    doc. Lubomir Čižek, Ing. Ondřej Hilšer, Ing. Jiri Svec, Michal
    Salajka, Jan Kedroň, Stanislav Tylšar reached significant
    valued at two inter…[Read more]

  • The 5th International Conference COMAT 2018 – Modern Trends of Construction Materials took place on 14-16 November 2018 in Pilsen. The conference was attended by over 170 experts from 24 countries. Many fruitful discussions with Nanoteam members highlighted this successful event. You can find more information at http://www.comat.cz.

  • Nano 2018 conference (www.nano2018.org/ ) was held in Hong Kong in the end of June. We took part there and we met also former members of Nanoteam. We discussed development in the field of interest and also potential common research projects for RFCS and H2020. There were great invited lectures given by prof. Ritchie and prof. Valiev that were…[Read more]

  • Two interesting conferences were held recently in which members of Nanoteam participated. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARTENSITIC TRANSFORMATIONS July 9 – 14, 2017, Chicago, IL, USA and XVI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 10-13 September 2017, Jachranka, Warszawa, Poland. The group from IMMS PAS presented six papers concerning m…[Read more]

  • At 26 October 2017 Aleksander Krupkowski Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Polish Academy od Sciences celebrated its 65 anniversaty. It was extremely pleasant to the Institute’s director and organizers that prof. Stanislav Rusz from VSB-Technical University of Ostrava a member of the Nanoteam came to this ceremony. On behalf of…[Read more]

  • On November 25-27, an international conference called Non Ferrous Metals Working took place in Krakow, which I personally took part in.
    Discussions with Professor Jaroslaw Mizer, Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Professor Wojciech Misiolko, Director of Loewy Institute Lehigh University in…[Read more]

  • Stanislav Rusz posted an update 8 years ago

    International scientific seminar in the field of advanced materials and technologies
    On 9 and 10. 2. 2017 at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava took place within the framework of the project “Progress 3” under the auspices of the Vice-Rector for Science and Research professor Petr Praus, Ph.D.
    International scientific seminar Materials with UFG…[Read more]

  • Laboratory of modern research of functional materials including powder materials.
    Laboratory is equipped with: High temperature laboratory furnace SPS 10-4 by Thermal Technology LCC and Isostatic press HIP AIP8-30H-PED by American Isostatic Presses.

    High temperature laboratory furnace SPS 10-4 by Thermal Technology LCC.
    High temperature…[Read more]

    • It’s very important informations in terms of the use of mentioned devices in the experimental work of projects related to the development of new promising materials and technologies

  • Memorandum of Understanding
    On 26. 10. 2016 was signed a important agreement between the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava and the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow – Memorandum of Understanding.
    Negotiations on the possibilities of scientific cooperation for the Czech side participated: Vice…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    We are organizing another COMAT 2016 that will be held in Pilsen in the beginning of November 2016. As a one of the main topics of the conference are nanomaterials, I hope to see there lots of colleagues from NANOTEAM.



  • Dnia 12 października 2016 roku odbyła się publiczna obrona pracy doktorskiej mgr inż. Arkadiusza Wierzby na temat: „Otrzymywanie wielowarstwowego materiału Al-Mg-Al o strukturze drobnoziarnistej modyfikowaną metodą ARB”

    ht…[Read more]

    In September 2003, one of Poland’s most cutting edge laboratories for mechanical properties research and physical simulation of metallurgical processes was launched. The laboratory is equipped with a system for physical modelling of metallurgical processes GLEEBLE 3500, p…[Read more]

  • International Scientific Conference KONTECH 2016 (Poland)
    Very interesting international scientific conference KONTECH 2016 Mierzecin
    September 21 to 23

    Main topics: Advanced engineering materials and investigation of them
    – Influence of the forming tool parameters on the grain refinement in non-ferrous metals by SPD proces
    – Modern methods…[Read more]

  • Project „OPUS“ (Poland – Czech Republic)
    Currently, the project “OPUS” (Poland – Czech Republic) is carrying out an evaluation of the experiments on the alloy, Mg-Li. The aim was to verify the effect of temperature on the structure refinement achieved using methods ECAP by SPD process.
    Chemical composition of verified alloys:
    1) Mg4,5% Li1,5…[Read more]

  • Projekt VaV “Pre-seed -Materiály IA3”
    Řešitelé, kteří se zúčastnili projektu ESF VaV “Nanotým VŠB – TU Ostrava” úspěšně dokončili koncem roku 2015 navázující projekt VaV “Pre-seed -Materiály IA3” s názvem Technologie výroby pásu plechu s ultra jemnozrnnou strukturou. Byly vyprojektovány a vyrobeny tvářecí nástroje s novou geometrií, které výz…[Read more]

  • There will be two Conferences in which group from IMIMPAS will be attended and some topics will be concern UFG functional materials. First is XXI Advanced Materials and Technollogy, the biggest international Conference organised in Poland from several years focused on new materials and technology. Our group will be present with several works…[Read more]

  • As the effect of Nanoteam Project I applied for a Polish Project OPUS where other Nanoteam members took part, among others prof. Wojciech Maziarz from IMIM PAN, prof. T. Tanski from Silesian Technical University in Gliwice, prof. Stanislav Rusz from VSB Ostrava. The Project nr 2014/15/B/ST8/03184 was granted in 2015 and it lies in the scientific…[Read more]

  • In the days 08th 09th-12th 09th 2015, I attended an international scientific conference
    IN-TECH2015 in Dubrovnik.The goal of my participation was the presentation of project results achieved so far wider international scientific community. A poster and also their own presentations were presented results of experiments on low-carbon steels and…[Read more]

  • In Jun My PhD student won a Visegrad Scholarships concerning the field of UFG together with the University of Ostrava.

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