
  • Stanislav Rusz posted an update 8 years ago

    International scientific seminar in the field of advanced materials and technologies
    On 9 and 10. 2. 2017 at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava took place within the framework of the project “Progress 3” under the auspices of the Vice-Rector for Science and Research professor Petr Praus, Ph.D.
    International scientific seminar Materials with UFG New Progressive Structure and Materials. The seminar was attended by many prominent foreign guests from leading Polish and Slovak universities – prof. Mgr. Inż. Pawel Zieba, Ph.D. of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pob. Krakow, prof. Mgr. Inż Eugeniusz Hadasik from Politechnika Sląska in Katowice, prof. Mgr. Inż. Tomasz Tański from Politechnika Slaska in Gliwice and Assoc. Ing. Tibor Donici, PhD. from the University of Zilina. At the seminar were presented 17 papers in the field of UFG and advanced materials, which will be published in the Proceedings of the VSB. At the conclusion of the meeting were discussed currently very topical issue of refining the structure of metallic materials and alloys, non-ferrous metals based on Mg, Al alloy strengthening micro and nano particles, the behavior of Ni-Al alloys and super issue of stabilizing the structure for new types of austenitic steels. New knowledge of these areas of scientific research will be further developed through collaboration between participating universities and scientific research institutes.