
  • Stanislav Rusz posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

    Project „OPUS“ (Poland – Czech Republic)
    Currently, the project “OPUS” (Poland – Czech Republic) is carrying out an evaluation of the experiments on the alloy, Mg-Li. The aim was to verify the effect of temperature on the structure refinement achieved using methods ECAP by SPD process.
    Chemical composition of verified alloys:
    1) Mg4,5% Li1,5% Al
    2) Mg4,5% Li1,5% Al0,5% Zr
    3) Mg9% Li1,5% Al
    4) Mg9% Li1,5% Al0,5% Zr
    5) mg12% Li1,5% Al
    6) MG12 Li1,5%%% Zr Al0,5
    For each alloy were carried 3 passages and the forming tool curves waveforms registered strengthening.
    Significant new findings are: High strengthening has been achieved after every passage of the first forming tool for all types of alloys. Extrusion lowest temperature at which no breach sample – 100 ° C was achieved for alloys mg12% Li1,5% Al and mg12% Li1,5% Al0,5% Zr