
  • Jan Dutkiewicz became a registered member 9 years, 4 months ago

    • Within the project OPUS granted by National Center of Science in Poland under numer No. 2014/15/B/ST8/03184 (where scientist from VSB Ostrava, IMIM Kraków and Technical University in Glivice woorking together in Nanoteam ) reported the paper entitled SUPERPLASTIC DEFORMATION OF TWO PHASE MgLiAl ALLOYAFTER TCAP PRESSING by Jan DUTKIEWICZ, Stanislav RUSZ, Dariusz KUC, Ondrej . HILSER, Paweł. PAŁKA, Grzegorz. BOCZKAL was reported in Koszyce on the International Conference ICPMAT August 6-0 2017 also another paper entitled TEM studies of structure of MgLiAl alloys after various routes of severe plastic deformation by Jan Dutkiewicz, Stanislav Rusz, Ondrej Hilsner, Tomasz A.Tański, Wojciech Borek, Maciej Szlezynger, Piotr Bobrowski, Wojciech Maziarz was reported at the X Polish Conference on Electron Microscopy in Jachranka, Poland between 10-12 September 2017