Stanislav Rusz posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
On November 25-27, an international conference called Non Ferrous Metals Working took place in Krakow, which I personally took part in.
Discussions with Professor Jaroslaw Mizer, Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Professor Wojciech Misiolko, Director of Loewy Institute Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Professor Krzysztof Zaba, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Non Ferrous Metals AGH Krakow, Professor Arkadiusz Krzelem – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Impexmetal SA in Warsaw and Professor Tadeusz Knych, Dean of the Faculty of Non Ferrous Metals at AGH Krakow. On the part of the mentioned professors, there was a great interest in the DRECE method with the new geometry of the forming tool. In addition, possible cooperation on bilateral scientific projects was discussed, as well as the possibility of visiting prof. Mizery, prof. Zaby, prof. Misiolka and prof. Knycha at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava.